Morse Code IT
    • Reclaim your Money​ &
      reduce business Expenses

       With Retroactive Forensic Bill 
      ​Audits From Morse Code IT

      →   4 Year Lookbacks On Business Energy Bills

      →   6 Year Lookbacks On Business Telecom Bills

      Expense management is a top five expense. As corporations revisit spending priorities, a focus 

      of C-level executives has been redirected to cost recovery and reduction activities. Control on 

      revenue expenditure has many tangible benefits including; reduced expenses, available 

      capital, greater employee productivity, quality of service, and bottom line savings.

      With a retroactive, historical refund lookback of up to four years, coupled with a three-year 

      ongoing analysis of your accounts, we help you keep the utility companies honest!

      With the [high] likeliness of utility companies making errors on your billing invoices and no cost 

      to have your bills forensically examined by our team of expert CPAs, there is absolutely 

      no reason not to have Morse Code IT find money that belongs in your pocket!


      commercial utilitIES

        • ElectricITY
        • Natural Gas
        • 3rd-Party Suppliers

      audit functions

      • Refunds, Credits & Rates
      • Tariff & Billing Procedures
      • Rebates & Tax Credits
      • Usage & Demand


      • BUSINESS Voice & Data
      • Local & Long Distance
      • Cable, Satellite, & Wireless (Cellular) SERVICES
      • ​​IT SERVICES (Help-Desk, Cloud, INFRASTRUCTURE)

      No out of pocket costs to you! We work on a contingency basis; If no errors are found, then you don’t pay!

    Approx. 87% of utility bills contain errors and may be reduced thru 

    sophisticated, expert negotiation – more than 90% of our clients save!

    According to the Washington Post, 4 out of 5 ​commercial & industrial ​
    ​customers are ​overbilled
     by their utility service suppliers at some point.”

    Zero Risk - With No Costs or Obligationwhy 

    wait to find out what your business is owed? 

    Let's stop wasteful utility spending it its tracks!

    Schedule A Conversation Today

    Our Simple Guarantee: IF We Find Nothing, You Owe Nothing. We work on a contingency basis.

    Our team of billing experts and attorneys get to work right away for you by auditing up to 6 years of prior billings from your utility and telecom service providers. We'll reclaim money you have overpaid on your behalf. Together, let's stop overbilling & wasteful spending in its tracks!

    Forensic Billing Audits